I have a co-worker who flirts with me even though she knows I am married. How can I set the boundaries and keep our relationship strictly professiona... (1:20)

How do you work with a co-worker, when you know she tried to get you fired? (2:50)

I am in a leadership position at work. My style is to acknowledge that everyone has flaws, starting with me; that our work together is a series of pro... (2:38)

I work with someone who volunteers for extra work. She always claims to be overworked but will immediately move to help someone else, without being as... (3:18)

I work in a very creative environment - the product we create is all about entertainment and creativity. I feel like the company party-pooper when I ... (4:14)

Is it common for someone to intentionally fail at something to get someone to step up and take over for them? I see this at work and I end up doing th... (2:57)

I was offered two jobs. One was secure but boring and the other one was risky. I loved the little start-up company and the people who work there, but ... (4:25)

My company was recently bought by another one and a new manager was brought in. At first we were excited by the changes but this manager is arrogant, ... (3:10)

I procrastinate on really important things and often don't even do them. Like filing my insurance and getting reimbursed, or turning investment paper... (5:18)

I work with someone who is not a team player and always looking out for his own good and not the good of the company or others. He's very polite outwa... (5:06)

Do you have any advice on how to find my true career or purpose? Are there steps or helps? (3:14)

I'm 28 and since my teens I've been dependent on others for assurance and help. Now I am learning to become an independent woman but in that process I... (4:14)

I'm in a job I love but working for people I don't love, actually I have learned to resent because (1) they do not acknowledge my contribution and (2)... (4:06)

Could you talk about people's need for significance in our lives? (4:15)

I can't seem to find a good mentor. Either they feel you are beneath them or they just don't want you to know what they know. Any suggestions? (3:48)

How can I learn not to demand too much from myself and be realistic about my abilities? (3:09)

How do you set boundaries with your boss? (4:02)

Sometimes when I am in front of a group of people I will start to blush, and I get very uncomfortable. I start to feel like everyone is staring at me ... (1:35)

I am a male pastor and my ministry assistant is female. Our work requires us to spend a great deal of time together. Is it wrong for us to go places t... (4:59)

I have just started reading your book "How People Grow." I have had chronic issues with career and employment. What I get from the book is, quit tryin... (2:12)

You said in one of your videos that passion doesn't have to be connected with your job but what if you are in ministry? I am a worship pastor and part... (4:54)

I am a Christian, starting a new business. I would like to use the word "Christian" in the name of my new business, but I am afraid potential customer... (2:52)

I have a lot of financial fears. I work in ministry and while I love what I do, I hate being poor. If I quit to find a better paying job, I feel I wil... (3:40)

How can character maturity help build a successful large business? (2:04)

I'm struggling with my career, or lack there of. I know there is a book called, "What Color is Your Parachute" but I feel like my parachute wont even ... (2:38)

My boss is more concerned with results than his employees. It really bothers me. What should I do? (3:49)

How important is setting goals? I try to set goals, but I fail at so many of them that I don't want to keep setting them just to fail again. (2:43)

I'm in my late twenties and I've been through four jobs already. Why is it so hard to commit to a job? It's obviously in my best interest to stick wit... (2:50)

How far can I stretch the truth in a resume? They're obviously marketing devices and it seems understood they should be viewed as such. (1:55)

I am terrible at job interviews. In fact, I'll stay in a miserable job just so I don't ever have to go on one. How do I prepare for an interview? I do... (2:55)

I am always surprised at the number of my middle-aged peers who still don't know what they want to be when they grow up. I'm one of them! How and wh... (3:45)

I am a middle-aged man with a comfortable and secure job, but I don't like what I am doing and wish I could spend my time at something I love. Do I ma... (2:30)

How do I set boundaries at work when everyone else works twelve-hour days? (2:25)

I'm up for a promotion. It would mean working longer hours and sacrificing time with my family. But it would also mean a lot more money -- which we re... (1:53)

How do I start the process of goal setting? (2:32)

I have tried to set goals to lose weight and get in shape a million times, but I can't follow through. How do I succeed here? (1:43)

I get discouraged when I set personal goals and fail. How can I deal with failure? (2:25)

What are the most important elements of successful goal setting? (3:19)

I'm afraid to speak in public, but my new job involves presentations to potential clients. How can I overcome this fear or should I let my employer kn... (2:40)

How can I achieve work/life balance? When I'm at work I feel like I'm cheating my family. When I'm home I feel like I'm cheating my employer. (2:49)

I was involved in a business venture and gave it all that I had. I struggled with it for 15 years and failed in it. I now want to start off again in o... (2:06)

I am a science student but think I'd like to try banking. Those two things don't seem at all similar so I'm confused. What steps or questions should I... (1:02)

Would you relate how you decided to go into the psychology field and what struggles you encountered to get through your education? (2:11)

I am a female college student working towards my degree in psychology. What positive traits or behaviors do you find in women who are good leaders, co... (2:03)

Can you talk about over-working, what are reasonable limits and how do we avoid it? (1:53)

My boss can be very critical and leads based on his feelings about others. I'm finding myself doing the same thing at times, especially if I'm angry ... (3:16)

My husband is the Pastor at the small church we planted four years ago. I have been the 'volunteer' secretary since the beginning. Our finances are ti... (2:03)

I am currently working nights and have been trying to advance to a day shift job. When I go into interviews I get nervous and have trouble selling mys... (1:56)

I am frustrated at work. I was not given any training, yet my superiors are unhappy with my performance. What can I do? (3:25)

My co-worker and I have very different personalities. Do you have any suggestions on how we can work together peacefully? (2:40)

I'm 23 years old. I have doubts that my current career is right for me. I feel an urgency to create a life that is extraordinary and do not want to sp... (2:26)

How do I build up my personality? (2:41)

I work with someone who often will take credit for work I did during our staff meetings. What is the most appropriate way to correct the misinformatio... (2:05)